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What is Responsible decision-making in SEL & Why is it Important?

Imagine this: Your 10-year-old comes home from school, bubbling with excitement because they’ve been chosen as the class representative. A wave of pride washes over you, but then a thought sneaks in—being a class rep means making choices, sometimes hard ones, for the whole class. It’s a beautiful opportunity but

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What is Social-awareness in SEL & Why is it Important?

Have you ever watched a child struggling to fit in during a group activity or playdate? Maybe they seem unsure of when to jump into the conversation, or perhaps they miss subtle cues that lead to awkward moments. You’re not alone in witnessing this; according to various studies, children who

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What is Self-Management in SEL and Why is it Important?

Imagine this—you’re on a family road trip 🚗. The destination is a beautiful beach, and everyone is buzzing with excitement. Then, halfway there, you realize you forgot the sunscreen. The kids are getting restless, and the GPS just lost signal. A wave of stress washes over you. But what if

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What is Self-Awareness in SEL & Why is it Important?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “Who am I, really, and how does understanding myself make a difference in how I parent or teach?” It’s a big question, right? Well, the road to finding the answer goes right through the heart of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). 🌈 SEL is

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